1. What is going EOL and When?

In order to keep in compliance with Journyx Data Security policies, as well as industry best practices for data security, the Journyx GetDATA service and all ZK and ATS clocks are going End-Of-Life (EOL).

End-Of-Life schedule:

  • Journyx GetDATA Service - September 1, 2022
  • ATS Clocks - September 1, 2022
  • ZK Clocks - January 2, 2023

2. Why are these devices and service going EOL?

These systems have reached the end of their product lifecycle. They unfortunately can no longer support current security practices such as TLS 1.2 or higher as well as modern, secure encryption. Due to these limitations, patches and firmeware updates are not available that would allow these devices to keep in compliance with Journyx Data Security Policies and industry best practices.

3. What is TLS?

Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a security protocol that is used to secure communications over the internet. TLS ensures that there is an adequate level of security, data privacy, and data integrity between two computer applications.

There are currently four versions of the TLS protocol in use today: TLS 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 

TLS 1.0. and 1.1 are outdated versions of the protocol that are less secure than TLS 1.2 or TLS 1.3.

4. Why is TLS 1.2+ necessary?

Due to several weaknesses found in TLS 1.0 and 1.1, many websites and internet services are now starting to require the use of TLS 1.2 or higher to ensure the security of the sent and received data.

5. How will this affect me?

The protection of your data is of the utmost importance to us and while we understand that this will be an inconvenience on your business, this is required to keep all Journyx systems in compliance and secure.

On the date identified in the schedule above for each specific service or hardware, the connection between the clock hardware and the customer site will disabled. This will cause a disruption in service for any ZK or ATS clocks as well as the GetDATA service.

We recommend that you speak with your Journyx account manager to replace any ZK or ATS clocks with a Journyx GT model that meets all requirements regarding TLS 1.2+ and secure encryption of data.

6. Can I get an extension?

We understand that this change could potentially be disruptive to your business if not made before the EOL deadline, which is why we are working to provide as much advance notice as possible.  While we cannot offer an extension, we encourage you to speak with your Journyx Account Manager on how best to move forward.