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- JX-2401 Scheduled reports doesn't save changes to existing schedules
- JX-2387 Data validation rounding not applied to first 2 days of period
- JX-2370,2369,2300 Work addressing security improvements
- JX-2357 Journyx API sending duplicate source and currency data to Accountlink QB
- JX-2355 Assignment report not handling project fields for subtotal rows
- JX-2348 jxAPI save_sheets drops punches when not called by sheet user
- JX-2345 Leave screen doesn't support dependencies for hidden columns
- JX-2343 Summary Entry does not save in/out times if no row combo exists
- JX-2331 Accrual hours remaining greater than 3 digits shows as blank
- JX-2328 Wrong project selected as parent when creating child project
- JX-2313 Bad cron entries break cron/scheduled activities
- JX-2311 Custom fields not displayed on initial assignment creation
- JX-2309 Auto sheet processing not respecting "Ignore users without a memorized sheet" setting
- JX-2302 Main menu bar showing for entry screens in approvals
- JX-2222 Unable to modify multiple assignments at the same time