The Accountlink configuration file is an XML file that stores all configuration values for the Accountlink installation.




This configuration file is comprised of several sections and subsections. The most relevant sections for modifying the Accountlink installation behavior are the <applicationSettings> and the <userSettings>.


The <applicationSettings> section defines settings specific to the application as a whole. These settings are not user-specific and typically control the behavior and features of the application. They are divided into groups based on the application components.


The <userSettings> section defines settings that are specific to individual users. These settings typically store user preferences and credentials, and they are intended to be personalized for each user. Similar to the application settings, they are divided into groups based on the application components.


The groups that can be found within both of these sections that are the same across all versions of Accountlink are:

  • <Accountlink.Properties.Settings>
  • <Accountlink.JxAPI.Properties.Settings>


Additionally, each version of Accountlink will have groups of settings specific to that flavor. For example, in an Accountlink NetSuite config file, you can find the following sections:

  • <AccountlinkNS.Business.Properties.Settings>
  • <AccountlinkNS.Properties.Settings>


All configuration settings will be located inside one of the above listed sections. While anyone can modify the settings in this config file and the setting values, it is important to ensure 1) that the settings are in the right section and 2) that the formatting of the setting remains consistent.


Locating the Configuration File

To locate this file for the Accountlink installation, navigate to the same installation directory as the Accountlink .exe file. The config file is the file with the .config extension in that directory. For example, in an Accountlink NetSuite installation, this directory this can be located at is C:\Program Files\Journyx Accountlink NS and the configuration file is AccountlinkNS.exe.config.


A screenshot of a computer

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Common Issues with the Configuration File

Improperly formatted configuration files can cause problems during the Accountlink installation. Identifying these issues can be challenging because error messages in the Accountlink sync logs often do not accurately indicate whether there is an issue in the config file or where to find the area responsible for the issue. The following section outlines common issues with the configuration file and provides guidance on how to correct them:

  • Settings in the Wrong Place: Ensure all settings are placed within the appropriate sections and groups as defined by the XML schema.
  • Formatting Issues (e.g. spacing, tab, indentations): Maintain consistent formatting, using proper spacing, tabs, and indentation to adhere to XML standards. It is much easier to identify formatting issues when the file is opened in a code editor (VS Code, VS, etc.) as opposed to a plain text editor like Notepad.  
  • Empty Line at the Bottom of the Config File: Remove any unnecessary empty lines at the end of the configuration file. This will cause a failure on sync attempts, and the error(s) displayed will not properly indicate that this is the issue. 


Addressing these common issues can help prevent configuration-related errors and ensure a smooth operation of Accountlink.