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- JX-1120 Expense matrix reports not showing data with blank numeric fields
- JX-1222 Latest Baseline not visible on scheduled project modification
- JX-1354 Settings are visible for accrual calculator without license access to it
- JX-1433 "Group Search"/"Custom Project Field: Priority" filters not working on project management
- JX-1582 Editing default objects with / in the name causes errors
- JX-1583 Expense DVT checks on save not working in 12.4 and 12.5
- JX-1608 Percent time entry won't accept 100% with DVT
- JX-1610 Approval search problems with short date format dd/mm/yy
- JX-1618 Erroneous accrual hard limit warning for approvers when decimal format used
- JX-1638 Tooltip blocking the project link on scheduled project status report with a single item
- JX-1648 Unable to save time in the past for group-scoped roles that are currently inactive
- JX-1653 Incorrect header on Create/Modify Stopwatch Module
- JX-1677 Records duplicated after rejection with 2 different projects and approvers in crew entry
- JX-1680 Azure sign-in problems loading validation key
- JX-1686 Comments added on PX resource requisition are not added into the history
- JX-1694 Link on time entry for period/day view shown twice when interim submit in use
- JX-1698 Mileage conversion not applied correctly when previous conversion not closed out
- JX-1703 Assign group selection not saved on PX work request creation
- JX-1705 Bad dates in accrual history break accruals screen
- JX-1718 Records in a committed state duplicated when saving on time entry
- JX-1759 Accrual calculator is not applying carryover limit correctly
- JX-1779 Password issue when users are hidden when initially created
- JX-1784 Comment not displayed in approvals if same comment as a corrective record
- JX-1785 Missing setting 'Automatically add new values...' in user and project import
- JX-1787 Error using the enter key to save unformatted time on line item in/out entry
- JX-1796 PX My assignments time entry doesn't pop up with additional time fields