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JX-1099 Team assignment should not continue to show on My Assignments after self-assignment
JX-1222 Latest Baseline not visible on scheduled project modification screen
JX-1354 Menu items for Accrual Calculator show when not included in license key
JX-1441 Conversions don't work on expense if a selection is changed after conversion field selected
JX-1524 Accrual balance allows and/or shows more than 2 decimal places when it should be limited to 2
JX-1538 Adjust CSS for printing biweekly allocation time entry with PRE from browser
JX-1543 Add approval system setting to hide View Full Sheet link on Project Approvals for VIP
JX-1572 Mobile is opening prior/future period sheets when it should not
JX-1582 Editing default objects with / in the name shows an error
JX-1583 Expense/custom DVT checking on save broken in mobile
JX-1590 Approvers want full sheet view as option in manager sheet/project approvals
JX-1597 New setting to show project description on approval sheet view & message alignment fix
JX-1598 Actual Hours not represented on new PX assignment screens in expected locations
JX-1601 Allocation punch clock not showing clock in mobile
JX-1603 PX search for assignment users can be slow with lots of assignments with thousands of hours
JX-1608 Percent time entry won't accept 100% with certain DVT configurations
JX-1610 Sheet approval date format DDMMYY switching to MMDDYY after search
JX-1618 Accrual limits with non-zero value in tenths place may erroneously trigger limit warning on approval
JX-1632 Group Memorized Sheet default cannot be unset to no default on user management
JX-1638 Tooltip position is blocking the project link on scheduled project status report with a single item
JX-1645 Restoredb overwrites accrual calculator code with old files
JX-1656 REST API optimization for project management performance
JX-1677 Double records after reject a sheet with 2 different projects and approvers in crew entry
JX-1680 Azure sign-in problems loading validation key