- Generate an API key. This is done in the "My Settings" page of Journyx. Mouse over the profile card in the top right and click on My Settings.
- Scroll all the way to the bottom to the "Security and Identity" section. You can either use an existing key by clicking Details on one of the existing keys (A), or create a new key (B). If you do not have these options your administrator needs to give you the ability to generate API keys.
- Copy the "API Key (password)" value.
- In Excel, go to the Journyx tab.
- In "Username" set your Journyx username. In "Journyx URL" put the usual Reportlink URL.
You can find this by going under Analyze to Exports to Reportlink Exchange, or just Analyze to Reportlink Exchange. Append "/jtcgi/delimited.pyc" to the end of this. For example, in this situation the Journyx URL would be: https://jxint.apps.journyx.com/jtcgi/delimited.pyc
- When you create a new feed, or refresh, use the API Key you just generated as the password.
Using Journyx Reportlink with Single Sign On Print
Modified on: Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 6:36 AM
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