
The Payroll Rules Engine (PRE) was developed for Journyx to provide a convenient, automated way to process payroll from the time and expense data entered into Journyx.

This tool is designed to work with Timesheet version 7.0 and all sub- version (any Timesheet version starting with 7.0, such as 7.0m1). There is no guarantee that this will work with any future release of Timesheet. It is the customer's responsibility to test the tool in a non-production environment before making any Timesheet upgrades. 

Your Journyx Timesheet Installation needs to be properly configured in order for this tool to work correctly. This document contains detailed instructions for configuring, testing, and using this tool.


There are six executable files in this tool. These six files  in addition to this documentation make up the whole of the deliverable for this project.

  • PREConfigADP.pyc  
  • PREFormatADP.pyc
  • PRELib.pyc
  • PREOTReport.pyc (psbuttonzzzzzOT.pyc on Timesheet version 8.0 and later)
  • PRERules.pyc
  • ps_genadp.pyc

Using A Test Environment

There are several purposes in testing. First, you want to make sure that you understand the configuration guidelines and can configure your database correctly. Second, you want to make certain that the payroll rules are calculating correctly. Third, you want to make sure your export file correctly imports into ADP.

The payroll export keeps track of payroll periods and will require some extra effort for you to re-export a payroll period. It is important that you test this export before entering into production. The following outline should serve as a guideline for testing. the PRE should be installed before you begin testing. 

There are two basic testing procedures. It is preferable that you build a separate environment for testing--a second Timesheet installation with a backup of your production database restored. If this is not possible then you can lock your users out of your production Timesheet site and test there. Each testing procedure is outlined below.

Whichever testing procedure you employ, when testing is done you will need to perform the configuration steps one last time in production. If you use import files to modify the users' Pay Groups and the Pay Types' Descriptions, then you can simply re-import your final versions on production to accomplish 99% of that final production configuration.  

Running a Timesheet database backup with the backupdb command is a critical step in testing. The instructions for running a backupdb and restoring a backup file are here.

Testing in a test environment 

  1. Install and fully configure the PRE according to the instructions below this section.
  2. Run a backupdb of the Timesheet database. Store this backup file in a safe place.
  3. Conduct a test export.
  4. Examine the export file carefully. Run reports on individual users for the same period and hand-calculate the results to ensure that all of the math (overtime and double time calculations particularly) is correct.
  5. Restore the Timesheet backup file that you created.
  6. Make any necessary configuration changes within Timesheet and re-test the export.
  7. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5 until you produce correct export files for all of the periods that you have data for; a minimum of 3 payroll periods.

Testing in your production environment

  1. Warn your staff that the Timesheet application will be unavailable for a period of several hours on the day and time that you will be testing.
  2. Set the web interface lockout feature in Timesheet to keep all users other than your admin account from logging in. This is important because you will probably backup and restore your Timesheet database several times, and if your users are not locked out they may lose new records.
  3. Follow the configuration instructions (below) to fully configure your PRE.
  4. Run a backupdb of the Timesheet database. Store this backup file in a safe place.
  5. Conduct a test export.
  6. Examine the export file carefully. Run reports on individual users for the same period and hand-calculate the results to ensure that all of the math (overtime and double time calculations particularly) is correct.
  7. Restore the Timesheet backup file that you created.
  8. Make any necessary configuration changes within Timesheet and re-test the export.
  9. Repeat steps 5, 6, and 7 until you produce correct export files for all of the periods that you have data for; a minimum of 3 payroll periods.
  10. Restore the Timesheet backup file that you created.
  11. Remove the web interface lockout.
  12. Announce to your staff that Timesheet is available again.


The installation process is described in detail in the separate readme.txt file that is found in the installation archive. Installation should take no longer than 3 to 5 minutes.

Configuration Instructions

After installing the tool, there are six steps that need to be configured before the tool will run. These steps are outlined below. Please note that it is recommended to test your configuration either in a separate test environment or while your users are locked out of your production environment before deploying this tool to the production environment for your users. 

You must be logged in to Timesheet as an administrator in order to perform the configuration. 

1) Set up the "Pay Group" user custom field.

This step should have been completed before the installation of the PRE. If the "Pay Group" user custom field does not exist in your Timesheet install, follow these steps to create one. 

  1. Select "Custom Fields" under the "Configuration" tab.
  2. Search for the "Pay Group" user custom field. If it already exists, you may skip the next step.
  3. Create a user custom field named "Pay Group" by selecting "User Fields" from the "Custom Field type to create:" form at the top right of the body of the screen. Enter "Pay Group" as the name and specify a description. Check the box to create historical entries for time records. Choose "String" for the Data Type, and make it a selection list. Click "Save" to save the custom field. The screen will be reloaded.
  4. Click the "Manage Selection Values" link at the bottom of the screen.
  5. Add values to the selection list with values appropriate to your organization, such as 'Exempt', 'None', 'Shift', 'Non-Exempt', 'Salary', and 'Hourly' by entering the new value and then clicking "Save". Be sure to create a 'None' or 'Ignore' Pay Group for Timesheet Administrators and others who do not track time and to select an appropriate default value. Close the window when finished.

2) Configure your users.

  1. Select "Users" under the "Management" tab.
  2. Check the users you would like to configure, and click "Compare and Modify".
  3. Assign all users to a Pay Group in the "Pay Group" custom field.
  4. Assign values for the "Employee Number" user custom field to all users corresponding to that user's ADP file number. These numbers should already be entered into ADP payroll. Anyone who has a blank value in their "Employee Number" field cannot be paid and should not be assigned to a pay group that you will be exporting. Those people should all be assigned to the 'None' pay group.
  5. This step only applies if you will be exporting Dollars to ADP instead of Hours. The default and most common setting is just to export hours. Assign correct values to your users' User Pay Rate and User Pay Rate Type extra fields. Every user who is eligible for export (eligible by virtue of the fact that they are assigned to a pay group other than the 'ignore' pay group) must have their User Pay Rate Type field set to 'Hourly'. These users must also have their correct hourly pay rate in the User Pay Rate field.
  6. Alternatively, the enhanced User Import Tool may be used to set the custom fields for multiple Users. See the User Import Tool under "Imports" in the "Configuration" tab for more information.

3) Configure the PRE settings for the company. 

  1. Click "Custom Tools" in the upper right corner..
  2. Select "Payroll Data" under "Export Tools". The company configuration page should come up if it has not been configured before.
  3. Enter the appropriate settings for the options shown on the page. The options are described below.
  • PRE Configuration Name - Call it '[company] - ADP' where [company] is replaced with your company name.
  • PRE Format - ADP
  • Company Payroll Identifier - This is your ADP pay account number, which is usually 3 digits and usually only contains capital letters. This field does not enforce any restriction or verify your entry in any way.
  • Company name for payroll export file
    also provided by ADP. Up to 25 letters.
  • Pay Group to be ignored by export
    'None' usually. You set this when assigning pay groups to your users.
  • Select the columns to exclude from export file
    Select the columns that you do NOT want included in the export file because you do not use them in your ADP system.
  • Include header row in export file
    Ask your ADP service rep if the ADP service you are using wants to see the header row on the import file or not. Most of ADP's various service versions can handle either. If in doubt test it with the header row first, because it is easy to strip off and re-test.
  • Create a separate export file for each Company Code?
    If you would prefer a collection of export files each containing all the data for each Company Code, then select "Yes". NOTE: this only applies when using the "Export To File On Server" and "Export To Email" options.
  • Allow export to email?
    Instead of having the application generate the file and prompt you to save it, you can have the application email the file to you. You must have your Approval Email Settings configured to send email in order for this option to work properly.
  • Allow export to server?
    This will allow you to have the export file be generated within the Timesheet installation directory on the Timesheet application server instead of saving it to your local machine. Unless you specifically know that you want to do this you should probably leave this set to 'No'.
  • Export file line terminator
    Always set this to 'Windows'.
  • Pay Type column
    Select the column name that your pay types appear in on the users' time entry screens.
  • Regular time letter code
    Change it to 'R', usually. If your set of pay types codes from ADP has a different letter or number for Regular Time then enter it here. It can only be 1 character for the ADP export or you will receive unpredictable errors when you run the export.
  • Overtime letter code
    Change it to 'O', usually. If your set of pay types codes from ADP has a different letter or number for Overtime then enter it here. It can only be 1 character for the ADP export or you will receive unpredictable errors when you run the export.
  • Custom user field used to specify the employee number
    Usually 'ADP File Number'. This is the field that you populated in step #4 of the configuration.
  • Custom user field used to specify pay rate
    This field is ignored unless you are exporting Dollars to ADP. Usually 'User Pay Rate'. This is the field that you populated in step #4 of the configuration.
  • Custom user field used to specify pay rate type
    This field is ignored unless you are exporting Dollars to ADP. Usually 'User Pay Rate Type'. This is the field that you populated in step #4 of the configuration.
  • Custom user field used to specify pay group membership
    Usually 'Pay Group'. This is the field that you populated in step #3 of the configuration.
  • Department Splits?
    If you are exporting Department information to ADP then set this field to 'Yes'. If you are unsure then you are almost certainly not exporting Department information to ADP, and thus should leave this field set to 'No'.
  • Department Column
    This field is ignored unless you are using Department Splits. If you are using Department Splits then select the time entry screen column that contains the Department information.
  • Default Department
    This field is ignored unless you are using Department Splits. If you are using Department Splits then select the Department that should be included in the export file when the Department cannot be determined by the data or when the Department specified in the user's record is not configured to be exported.
  • Custom field for Job Cost Information
    Defaults to “Job Cost #”. This is the name of the custom field containing the job cost number and associated with the Department Column.
  • Custom field for Job Cost Description (Workday Only)
    Defaults to “Project Cost Center Name”. This is the name of the custom field containing the job cost descriptive name and associated with the Department Column.
  • Header for Job Cost # column (ADP, Workday)
    Fill out the header you would like for the Job Cost # column. This setting is optional – if you are unfamiliar with this setting, then leave it blank.
  • Conditionally display Job Cost information
    Select whether or not to display the job cost number and description only when they differ from the cost center associated with the user.
  • Export employees with no hours in period?
    Some payroll administrators find it useful to include these employees in the export. If you would like to see the employees who are not getting paid then set this field to 'Yes'.
  • Explain calculations?
    This is a diagnostic option. Leave it off by default. When you want to see the math behind the calculation of a single employee you can Modify your company PRE settings and set this to 'Yes'. When this is set to 'Yes' then a new field will appear on the 'Run PRE' page that allows you to enter a user's login ID in order to see the underlying calculations for that employee.
  • Export field separator
    This should be left at the default value of a single comma. If you need to set it to be tab-separated then you will need to enter a forward-slash and a lowercase t, like this: "/t".
  • Double Time Letter Code
    Change it to 'D', usually. If your set of pay types codes from ADP has a different letter or number for Double Time then enter it here. It can only be 1 character for the ADP export or you will receive unpredictable errors when you run the export.
  • ADP double time column
    This is determined by your ADP settings. You should ask your ADP service rep which column Double Time goes in to. ADP's default appears to be column 3.
  • Send hour data, dollar data, or both?
    Choose the setting that applies for your company. Most companies only send hours.
  • Minimum interval between successive work-shifts for punch-in users.
    This field is a decimal-entry, such that you would enter "2.5" to indicate "2 and a half hours". This field only applies if you are using the shift-based Rules for any of your pay groups. This field is the maximum number of hours that a break can take without becoming a stop of work and a change of shifts.
  • Allow Make-Up time?
    This field is no longer used. Simply leave it at 'No' and ignore it.
  • Make-Up Time column
    This field is no longer used. Simply leave it at its default value and ignore it.
  • Make-Up hours cutoff
    This field is no longer used. Simply leave it at its default value and ignore it.
  • Time codes that count as Make-Up Time
    Select at least one value. The value selected does not have to be visible to the users.
  • User Custom Fields to show in output
    Select any user custom fields that you wish to have show in the output.
  • Roles that can see the OT/DT report during Approvals and Timekeeping
    Select which roles should have the authority to view the overtime and double time summary reports when viewing user timesheets during Approvals or Timekeeping. This report can also be turned on or off by Pay Group. See each individual Pay Group's configuration for this option.

4. Click the "Save Configuration" button at the bottom of the page to save this company PRE configuration.

5. When the screen refreshes you will be taken to Pay Group configuration for one of your Pay Groups.

4) Configure the PRE settings for your Pay Groups. 

  1. If you are not already on the Pay Group configuration page, select "Custom Tools" in the upper right.
  2. Click on "Payroll Data" under "Export Tools". The Pay Group configuration page should come up for any unconfigured Pay Groups in your system.
  3. Enter the appropriate settings for the pay group. The options are explained below
  • How Long is a Period
    Set the value appropriate for the pay group.
  • Start date for export
    Pick the date of the first day of your first pay period of the current fiscal year.
  • Export only approved time
    If you are using approvals or the commit feature in reports then this should be set to 'Yes'.
  • Time Type
    'Exception' time exporting is appropriate for salaried employees who only have vacation, sick, holiday, and other non-regular time reported. For all non-salary pay groups this field should be set to 'All'.
  • Send time data, expense data, or both?
    In the current version of the ADP export only 'Time' is supported.
  • Overtime start day of week
    Choose the first day of the work-week for the pay group.
  • Overtime calculation method
    See the "Rule Descriptions" section below for a detailed description of each of the choices. Each pay group only uses one overtime calculation method.
  • Overtime Spread
    This option only applies if you have configured the company-wide PRE settings to use department splits. If department splits are off then this setting should be set to 'N/A'. If department splits are on then you can spread the overtime hours across departments based upon the percentage that each department was worked in for the day or the week.
  • Overtime marked under shift where it was earned?
    This option only applies if you are using department splits and shifts. If you are using both of those features then you should set this field to 'Yes' unless you are not tracking overtime by shifts in ADP. If you are not using these features, or are not tracking overtime by shift in ADP then leave this field at the default value of 'No'.
  • What to do with extra pennies:
    This is a reference to the Overtime Spread option above, and is ignored if Overtime Spread is set to 'N/A'. If you are using Overtime Spread then there can be some cases when there are extra pennies that cannot accurately be assigned to any of the departments. In these cases you have the option to 'Drop' the pennies or have them assigned to 'Any Department'. If you choose 'Any Department' then the extra pennies will be assigned to one of the departments that has time assigned within the period.
  • How many hours in a day?
    This field is not used by the PRE export. This field may be used by some other Timesheet tool to define behavior for your pay groups. Unless you have specific instructions from the Journyx Professional Services team to change this value you should leave this field at the default.
  • How many hours in a week?
    This field is not used by the PRE export. This field may be used by some other Timesheet tool to define behavior for your pay groups. Unless you have specific instructions from the Journyx Professional Services team to change this value you should leave this field at the default.
  • Optional Shift Code
    If you are using Shifts, then enter a number into this field for the pay groups that are assigned to specific shifts. This number will appear in the 'Shift' column of the ADP export file for all worked hours for all members of this pay group.
  • Number of minutes to round daily time to
    This field allows you to apply daily rounding to users' time before the application of the daily payroll rules. The default value of zero '0' means 'do not round'. A value of one '1' would also mean to not round. Five '5', ten '10', fifteen '15', and thirty '30' have all been tested. If you want to round to a different increment then you should test it very thoroughly before placing it into production.
  • Display the OT/DT report during Approvals and Timekeeping
    Select whether the overtime and doubletime summary report should be displayed for this Pay Group during Approvals and Timekeeping. The roles that are able to view this report is configured in the company PRE configuration.

4. Click the "Modify Pay Group" button at the bottom. Repeat this configuration process for each of your Pay Groups.

5. If you have additional unmodified Pay Groups, their configuration screen should show after successfully saving the current Pay Group configuration. When all of your Pay Groups are configured, you will be prompted to configure your Pay Types

5) Configure your pay types. 

  1. If you are already on the PRE configuration screen, click "Manage Pay Types". If not, select "Field Values" under the "Management" tab, then select "(Time) Pay Type" from the drop down menu in the search box labeled "Field value type". Click the "Search" button.
  2. Select a reasonable number of Pay Types to configure at once, and click the "Compare and Modify" button. There are a total of four Pay Type custom fields to configure for each Pay Type. Enter the appropriate values for each Pay Type. The options are outlined below.
    • PRE Column (if Time Code not blank)
      Specify the column which this Pay Type should be represented under, if it is not a regular Pay Type. Check the "PRE Time Code" setting for this Pay Type to determine if it is a regular Pay Type.
    • PRE Overtime Validity
      Set this option to specify which types of overtime this Pay Type should qualify for.
      • Not Valid
        Should not be counted towards overtime.
      • Valid
        Counts towards both weekly and daily overtime.
      • Valid for Daily Overtime Only
        Only counted for daily overtime calculations.
      • Valid for Weekly Overtime Only
        Only counted for weekly overtime calculations.
    • PRE Should Ignore
      If this is set to "Yes", all time billed to this Pay Type is ignored by the PRE.
    • PRE Time Code (blank for regular)
      The time code to be used for this Pay Type, such as "H" for holiday or "S" for sick time. This Pay Type will be counted as regular time if this field is left blank.
  3. Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page, and repeat this process until all of your Pay Types are configured.
  4. Alternatively, the enhanced Pay Type Import Tool may be used to set the custom fields for multiple Pay Types. See the Pay Type Import Tool under "Imports" in the "Configuration" tab for more information.

6) Check your pay calendars. 

    1. Click "Custom Tools" in the upper right corner.
    2. Select "Payroll Data" under "Export Tools".
    3. Click "Run [company] Export".
    4. Check all of the pay groups and click the "Choose PayGroups" button.
    5. Click on the link labeled "[Pay Group name] cycle number -->" under each Pay Group's cycle table.
    6. Ensure that the Pay Cycles are correct for all of your Pay Groups. Only the cycles between the first day of the fiscal year and the current date will be shown. New cycles will be created automatically each period.
    7. If the pay cycle dates are incorrect, follow these steps:
      1. Click the link labeled "Modify Pay Group [Pay Group name]"
      2. Correct the information entered in the following fields:
        • How long is a period?
        • Start date for export
      3. Save the updated configuration by clicking "Modify Pay Group" at the bottom.
      4. Click "Modify [company] Configuration".
      5. Click the "Regenerate Cycles" button at the bottom. This will delete and recalculate the pay cycles for all of your pay groups.

Usage Instructions

After the PRE is installed and the configuration is complete, you may use the Payroll Export. You must log in as an Administrator in order to use the PRE. It does not matter if anyone else is using the system or not. The interface for the PRE is available from the Professional Services Tools heading and the Installed PS Tools link on the main Admin page. On the Projfesional Services page, you will find "Payroll Data" in the navigation links on the left.

  1. Click "Custom Tools" in the upper right corner.
  2. Select "Payroll Data" under "Export Tools".
  3. Once the configuration is complete, the Payroll Data page should prompt you to 'Select Pay Groups to Export'. If not, click "Run [company] Export". Select the pay group or groups that you want to export and press the "Choose PayGroups" button.
  4. Choose the pay period for each pay group by selecting the correct radial button on the left. You can click the link for "[Pay Group name] cycle number -->" to get a pop-up window with a list of all of your existing pay periods. If you enter a shift cycle number then the radial button next to the listed periods is ignored.
  5. You have three options for how you want to run the export:
    • Preview
      This will refresh the screen with a readable representation of the export file. This rendition will appear in colorful HTML tables that are aligned such that you can read the records and their headers. This is not an exact replica of the export file, but is an exact replica of the export data.
    • Export
      This will create the ADP file. The system will stream the file to the browser in such a way that the browser should prompt you to save the file on your system.
    • Email
      This will email the file to you as an attachment. This option will only work if the email settings in the 'Approval Email Settings' correctly communicate with your mail server.

Microsoft Internet Explorer users: you may have to teak a few security settings in Internet Exploer in order to save exported apyroll files to your local disk. If y're getting the error "Your current security settings do not allow this file to be downloaded" then check the following settings: 

  • Your Journyx Timesheet site must be listed in the Trusted Sites security zone in Internet Explorer settings.
  • Go to the Tools menu then select Internet Options then click the Security tab. If you don't see the Tools menu, press the Alt key.
  • Click on Trusted Sites. Click the "Sites" button.
  • Make sure the Timesheet site is listed; if not, click Add then Close. If your site does not use SSL (https) then uncheck the "Require server verification" checkbox before clicking Add.
  • Back in the Security tab make sure Trusted Sites is still selected then click "Custom Level..."
  • Under the Downloads section find the option "File Download" and check "Enable".
  • Under the Miscellaneous section find the option "Launching applications and unsafe files." Make sure this is set to either Prompt or Enable.
  • Click OK to close the advanced options and then click OK again to close Internet Options.
  • When you click the Export button on a payroll export screen you should be prompted to save the file to disk. The prompt may appear at the bottom of the window.

Rule Descriptions

The following is a list of the rules that are currently available with the PRE. If you need to implement a rule that is not in this list then you need to speak to the Journyx Professional Services team about adding your rule(s). There may be some cost associated with adding new rules to the PRE.

Please note that these rules are only 1 part of the overall configuration of a pay group. The entire configuration of the pay group works as a team to accomplish the goal of correctly calculating the pay group members' payroll. Besides the pay group configuration, you will also need to properly configure the users' access to Pay Types via the Groups function in Timesheet, in order to achieve the overall configuration that will result in accurate payroll exports. 

  • 10 Hour Day 40 Hour Week
    This rule might should be called "40 Hour Week".
    No Daily OT.
    Weekly OT after 40 hours.
    No DT.
  • 10 Hour Day 40 Hour Week California
    Daily OT over 10 hours.
    Weekly OT over 40 hours.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily DT over 10 hours.
    Does NOT include Daily OT over 8 hours on 5th, 6th, and 7th consecutive days.
  • 36/44 Hours in 2 Weeks, Friday off
    2-week schedule.
    Week 1 is 4 9-hour days, totaling 36 hours.
    Week 2 is 4 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day, totaling 44 hours.
    Daily OT over 9 hours except on the Friday of the 1st week, which is Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 36 hours in week 1 and 44 hours in week 2.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 36/44 Hours in 2 Weeks, Monday off
    2-week schedule.
    Week 1 is 4 9-hour days, totaling 36 hours.
    Week 2 is 4 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day, totaling 44 hours.
    Daily OT over 9 hours except on the Monday of the 1st week, which is Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 36 hours in week 1 and 44 hours in week 2.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 44/36 Hours in 2 Weeks, Friday off
    2-week schedule.
    Week 1 is 4 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day, totaling 44 hours.
    Week 2 is 4 9-hour days, totaling 36 hours.
    Daily OT over 9 hours except on the Friday of the 2nd week, which is Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 44 hours in week 1 and 36 hours in week 2.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 44/36 Hours in 2 Weeks, Monday off
    2-week schedule.
    Week 1 is 4 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day, totaling 44 hours.
    Week 2 is 4 9-hour days, totaling 36 hours.
    Daily OT over 9 hours except on the Monday of the 2nd week, which is Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 44 hours in week 1 and 36 hours in week 2.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 8 Hour Clocked Shift 40 Hour Week
    This rule is still in BETA form, and should not be used without extensive testing. Pay Group option "Overtime marked under shift where it was earned?" must be set to 'Yes'. Rule uses shift-based OT calculations instead of day-based OT calculations. Break between shifts is defined in the PRE option "Minimum interval between successive work-shifts for punch-in users.

    Shift 1 is 6:30 am to 3:30 pm, and is coded as a null in the Shift column of the export.
    Shift 2 is 3:00 pm to 12:00 am, and is coded as "2" in the Shift column of the export.
    Shift 3 is 11:00 pm to 8:00 am, and is coded as "3" in the Shift column of the export.
    Time records not associated with a start/stop or in/out time are coded as shift 1.
    Weekly OT after 40 hours.
    No DT.
  • 8 Hour Day 40 Hour Week
    This rule might be called "40 Hour Week".
    No Daily OT.
    Weekly OT after 40 hours.
    No DT.
  • 8 Hour Day 40 Hour Week California
    Standard California 8/40 Rule.
    Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 40 hours.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 8 Hour Day 40 Hour Week Drop OT
    Only OT-eligible Pay Types are counted.
    All hours over 40 are dropped.
    No OT.
    No DT.
  • 8 Hour Day 40 Hour Week Normalize
    Only OT-eligible Pay Types are counted.
    Hours are normalized to 40 by percentages per Pay Type.
    No OT.
    No DT.
  • 8 Hour Shift 40 Hour Week
    Standard California 8/40 Rule.
    Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 40 hours.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
  • 8.5 Four Weekdays, 6 Saturday California
    Daily OT over 8.5 hours on weekdays.
    Daily OT over 6 hours on Saturday.
    No Daily OT on Sunday.
    Weekly OT over 40 hours.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Does NOT enforce only 4 weekdays of work.
  • 9 Hour Day 80 Hours in 2 Weeks
    2-week schedule, starting in the middle of the first day of the week.
    Hours on the first day of the week are split between this week and last week, approximating a noon start time for the pay period.
    Week 1 is 4 9-hour days and 1 8-hour day, totaling 44 hours.
    Week 2 is 4 9-hour days, totaling 36 hours.
    Daily OT over 9 hours except on the 5th day of the first week, which is Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Weekly OT over 44 hours in week 1 and 36 hours in week 2.
    Daily DT over 12 hours.
    7th consecutive day: Daily OT over 8 hours.
    Pay Group's Start date for export must be the 1st work day of week 1, and will be the day that is split.
  • User Choose
    OT and DT is not calculated.
    The users must select OT or DT in the Pay Type column to qualify for those pay types.

Support Instructions

Any and all issues with this tool should be reported directly to Journyx's support department via email to [email protected]. In any error report, please include enough information for the Journyx support team to reproduce the error. Generally, that will include a fresh database backup.


These tools and documentation fall under the same license agreement as the core Journyx Timesheet software. Copyright by Journyx, 2019