Journyx recommend the use of a server level Microsoft OS such as Windows Server 2012 R2 for deployment of your enterprise Journyx solution, or alternatively an enterprise level Linux system such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7. Installation to a desktop edition Windows operating system is only recommended for demonstration or testing purposes. All version of Windows and other operating systems may be used as clients to access the software through a web browser. 

Journyx requires one of these Windows platforms to install: 

  • Windows Server 2012 
  • Windows 10

Also see the "Additional Requirements for Microsoft Windows Servers" article

For Linux we currently recommend Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) version 7 or higher, or the equivalent CentOS version. There are a number of different binary Distributions of Journyx available for Linux - in general these are labeled with a "glibc" system library version that they should match up to. For instance RHEL 5.5 users glibc version 2.5, and so the Journyx version for glibc 2.5 should be used there. There are several other versions of Journyx available for different Linux distributions and glibc versions, including On Linux, you only need "root" access if you intend to run the web server on a privileged port such as 80. Otherwise the software can run under purely user-level permissions. 

For RHEL 7 and higher the currently recommend edition of Jounryx 11.x is the one Linux_x64_glibc_2.7_RHEL7. Please see the "External FastCGI" article for configuration instructions.