Utilization/Chargeability Reports calculate utilization and billing rates for evaluation against target rates.

Utilization/Chargeability Report options

 Figure 28.21 Utilization/Chargeability Report options

Utilization/Chargeability Reports have some prerequisites for displaying accurate data. The prerequisites are as follows: 

  1. There must be a project custom field named �Utilization Eligible� to determine which projects are displayed for utilization data. The field must be a text selection list with two values: �Yes� and �No�. Projects set to Yes will be available for reporting on utilization data. This field must be set for a project and each of its tasks individually. This can be set in the user interface or using the project import tool.                  
  2. There must be a project custom field named �Project Bill Type� to determine which projects are displayed for billing rate data. The field must be a text selection list with two             values: �Billable� and �Not Billable�. Projects set to Billable will be available for reporting on billing rate data. This field must be set for a project and each of its tasks             individually. This can be set in the user interface or using the project import tool.                  
  3. The system setting under Configuration-->System Settings-->Project Settings for �Overhead percentage applied to assignment work� must contain a value and/or the �User             Overhead Percent� must be set for each user.                  
  4. The system setting under Configuration-->System Settings-->Project Settings for �Default number of hours worked each week� must contain a value and/or the �User Work             Hours Per Week� must be set for each user.                  
  5. There must be 2 user custom fields named �Target Utilization� and �Target Chargeability�. These fields must be set to the data type of number. There must be values in these fields for each of the users you want to report on. 

Show aggregated details
This option allows you to aggregate utilization or chargeability rates for multiple users.


Fields to Display in Report
This option allows you to specify which of the Utilization/Chargeability Report fields should be displayed in the current report. The fields specific to the Utilization/Chargeability Report are:

Actual Hours
This field displays the actual hours the user worked for the selected period.


Target Utilization %
This field displays the value in the user�s Target Utilization field.


Actual Utilization %
This field is a calculation of total hours logged against tasks that are flagged 'Yes' in the Utilization Eligible custom project field for the selected dates � (user work hours per day X number of working days between dates). The user work hours per day is derived from the user custom field called "User Work Hours Per Week". If an individual user does not have a value set for this field, the user will be assigned to the default value set under Configuration-->System Settings-->Project Settings in the field called "Default number of hours worked each week". The calculation assumes that weekdays are working days, and there are 5 working days each week. 


Utilization Variance
This field subtracts target utilization from actual utilization.


Billable Hours
This field displays the actual hours the user worked for the selected period that are eligible for billing based on the Project Bill Type field.          

Target Chargeability %
This field displays the value in the user�s Target Chargeability field.


Actual Chargeability %
This field is a calculation of total hours logged against tasks that are 'Billable' for selected dates � ((user work hours per week x (report end date - report start date)) � 7 days.


Chargeability Variance
This field subtracts target chargeability from actual chargeability.