My Projects is located under Preferences-->My Projects (see figure 27.3)
In some organizations, having to search through extensive lists of projects can be quite time consuming when managing time and expenses. The My Projects feature allows you to select the projects that you typically track for time and expenses.

Figure 27.3. My Projects
This feature allows you to maintain your own unique list of projects that will be displayed by default in the project dropdown. This will keep you from having to routinely search for or select a project from the project tree for projects that you frequently log hours to. The My Projects link, located at the bottom of each sheet will launch a pop-up window that can be used to add and remove projects from your unique Project List. You may add projects from the Available Projects list by selecting the project and clicking the Add button. These projects will be added to your Project List shown in the box to the right. To remove a project from your Project List, select the project and click the Remove button. Additionally, you can search for a project by specifying the project name or part of the project name. The search results will be displayed in the listbox on the left. If you want to view the full tree instead of the search results, you can click the Go to Top of Tree link located above the left listbox. When you are finished adding and removing projects from the Projects List, click the Save button.