You can create Total Cost Reports which show the total cost of a project or user by combining time, expense, and custom entry data in a single report. Total Cost Reports can be created on the Standard Reports screen, which is accessed via the Reports menu.

Total Cost Report

 Figure 28.16. Total Cost Report

Report Options

Total Cost Reports are built from the data contained in two base reports - a Time or Rate Report and an Expense Report. This section of the Report Modification screen allows you to specify which of these reports Journyx will use when gathering the data used to create this Total Cost Report.


Use the select list menus in this section to select the base reports to be used as the basis of this Total Cost Report. The 'Select Time or Rate Report' select list separates     Time Reports and Rate Reports into two separate groups for easy identification. If you do not have any Rate Reports set up in Journyx, only Time Reports will be displayed in this select list. Additionally, only Journyx Administrators will see the default Approval and Preview reports.


To make changes to the base Time or Rate Report and/or Expense Report, click the 'Click here to modify selected report' link located just below the select list for each option. Journyx will open the Report Modification screen for the base reports in a new window. This will allow you to tailor the data contained in the base report in question, and thereby control what data is shown in this Total Cost Report.

Show Or Hide Base Reports
Journyx can be configured to display or hide the base reports for this Total Cost Report on the output screen. Simply select 'yes' or 'no' for both the Time or Rate Report and the Expense Report that are serving as the base reports and Journyx will either display or hide those reports.


Pay And Bill Rate Origins
Total Cost Reports calculate values for payroll, project costs and billing by multiplying the employee hours worked by the pay and bill rates in Journyx. Projects, users, project-activity combinations and assignments can have pay and bill rates, and these options allow you to specify which rates should be used in this particular Total Cost Report. The possible choices are:

  • User

Journyx will use the user's pay or bill rate. If the user has no pay or bill rate Journyx will not calculate a value for the user in question and will display a dash (-) for that user's records.

  • Project            

Journyx will use the pay and bill rates associated with the project in question. If the project has no pay or bill rate Journyx will not calculate a value for the project in question and will display a dash (-) for records associated with that project.  

  • Greater 

Journyx will use the greater rate value regardless of whether it is associated with the user or the project. This setting does not include project-activity or assignment rates.


  • Lesser
     Journyx will use the lesser rate value regardless of whether it is associated with the user or the project. This setting does not include project-activity or assignment rates.
  • Prefer User
    Journyx will attempt to use the user's rate value for calculations; however, if the user has no rate value Journyx will look to the project in question and use the value associated with it rather than produce a (-) result by default.
  • Prefer Project
    Journyx will attempt to use the project's rate value for calculations; however, if the project has no rate value Journyx will look to the user in question and use the value associated with it rather than produce a (-) result by default.
  • Derived From Rate Report            
    Journyx will use rate values derived from the Rate Report that has been specified as one of the base reports for this Total Cost Report. This option will only be accepted by Journyx if you have selected a Rate Report as one of the base reports for this Total Cost Report. Otherwise, you will be asked to select a different option.   


  • Project-Activity Rates
    Journyx will use the project-activity combination pay or bill rate. If the project and activity in the time record has no pay or bill rate Journyx will not calculate a value for the record in question and will display a dash (-) for that record.

Total Cost Is A Sum Of?
This option allows you to specify which values are added together to determine the total cost for each project or user shown in this Total Cost Report. By default, the total cost is defined as the sum of the value of the Bill/Bill 1 fields and the Expenses field. You may also include the Payroll field and the Bill 2 and Bill 3 fields associated with a Rate Report if that Rate Report is chosen as one of the base reports for this Total Cost Report.

Groups Records By
This option allows you to specify whether the records contained in this Total Cost Report should be grouped by project or by user. The grouping method you choose  here will allow you to see the total cost associated with either the project as a whole or on an individual user basis.

Subtotal By
You may or may not choose to display subtotals in this Total Cost Report. If you choose to show subtotals, you should choose the 'other' value from the previous option. For example, if you are designing a Total Cost Report that will group by Project and you would like to include subtotals, you should choose subtotal by User for this option.

Currency Symbol
This option allows you to specify a currency symbol that will be used in this report only - this setting will not affect currency conversions, for this or any other report or function. You may include typed/pasted ASCII characters ($, €, etc.) as well as HTML entities (€ for €, ¥ for ¥, etc.) or even just the standard three-character abbreviation (EUR, YEN, USD, etc.) for the currency represented by the values in this report. Regardless of which method you use, this field may contain a maximum     of 6 characters.


NOTE: Currency symbols entered as HTML entities will appear as they are typed (i.e., €) in plain text versions of this report. Therefore Journyx recommends pasting ASCII characters or using three-letter abbreviations for the currency symbol for Total Cost Reports.

Fields to Display in Report
This option allows you to specify which of the Total Cost Report fields should be displayed in the current report. The fields specific to the Total Cost Report are: (defaults in italics)

  • Hours         
  • Expense Cost         
  • Pay     
  • Bill/Bill1         
  • Bill 2         
  • Bill 3                  
  • Total Cost