Scheduled reporting is located under Reports->Scheduled Reports (see figure 28.4).

You can schedule reports to run automatically at specific times. This feature can be used in any number of ways, though the most common reason for scheduling reports is to arrange for large reports to run at times of low traffic. The Scheduled Reports Screen provides access to all the tools needed to schedule reports to run at specific times, dates or intervals. This screen is used to schedule one report at a time. The basic process of scheduling a report is outlined below and the details on each schedule type are provided in the following section.

Scheduled Reports

 Figure 28.4. Scheduled Reports

To schedule a report, select the report you wish to schedule from the select list. Then select the output format of the scheduled report. Enter a description for the scheduled report.

In the next section, select email options if you would like to automatically email the report to users after it runs each time. You can select users who already have an email address in the Journyx system, or you can enter email addresses manually. The email recipients are not required to have Journyx accounts.  If you choose the option to include an HTML report in the body of the email, please note that you should have your system email formatting set to HTML or Both (not Text only) under Configuration-->System Settings-->Server and Email.

In the next section, select the schedule type for the scheduled report. Select the Schedule Options for the scheduled report. Enter a start date for the scheduled report (One-Time Reports and Bi-Weekly Reports only). Enter a time of day for the scheduled report to run. Once you have completed these steps, click the Schedule New Report button. The system will refresh the Scheduled Reports Screen and display a green text message indicating that the report has been scheduled. Additionally, the newly Scheduled Report will be added to the list of existing Scheduled Reports located at the top of the Scheduled Reports Screen

To modify an existing Scheduled Report, click the report you wish to modify from the list of existing Scheduled Reports. You will then be able to modify whichever options you wish to change for the Scheduled Report. Once you have completed these steps, click the Save button. The system will refresh the Scheduled Reports Screen and display a green text message indicating that the report has been modified.

To delete an existing Scheduled Report, simply select the report you wish to delete and click the Delete button. The system will display a warning asking you to confirm the deletion of the Scheduled Report.

Schedule Types

  • One Time
    A One Time report is a report that is run exactly once on a specific day at a specific time. The only settings required for a One Time report are the date and time at which you wish the report to run. When scheduling a One Time report, simply indicate the date of the report in the Start Date text box and select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.


  • Daily
    Daily reports are reports that are scheduled to run at a specific time on a daily basis. When scheduling a Daily report, you will need to select whether the report is to run every day or on weekdays only. Additionally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.

  • Weekly
    Weekly reports are reports that are scheduled to run once a week on a specific day of the week. Weekly reports may be set to run on one or more days of the week each week. When scheduling a Weekly report, you will need to indicate which day(s) you want the report to run by selecting the day(s) in the Schedule Options section. To select more than one day, ctrl-click or shift-click the individual days you want to select. Additionally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.
  • Bi-Weekly
    Bi-Weekly reports are reports that are scheduled to run every other week on a specific day of the week. Bi-Weekly reports may be set to run on one or more days of the week each week. When scheduling a Bi-Weekly report you will need to indicate which day(s) you want the report to run by selecting the day(s). To select more than one day, ctrl-click the individual days you want to select. You will also need to indicate a start date for the Bi-Weekly report. The start date for a Bi-Weekly report is used to determine the first day on which the report will be run. The report will not run on chosen days of the week that fall before the start date until the next bi-weekly cycle has begun. Finally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.

  • Monthly by Day
    Monthly by Day reports are reports that are scheduled to run on a specific 'soft' date such as 'the first Monday of the month' or 'the third Wednesday of the month'. To schedule a Monthly by Day report, you will need to select which 'period' of the month (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 'last') you would like the report to target. You must then select the day of the week on which you would like the report to be run. Please note that you may select only one 'period' for any given report. You may, however, select any number of days within that 'period' for the report to be run. Therefore, you could schedule a report to run on the 3rd Monday and 3rd Thursday of each month with only one scheduled report. Finally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.

  • Monthly by Date
    Monthly by Date reports are reports that are scheduled to run on specific dates of each month such as 'the 3rd' or 'the 21st. Monthly by Date reports can be scheduled to occur on more than one date each month. To schedule a Monthly by Date report you will need to select the date(s) that you want the report to run by selecting the day(s). To select more than one date, ctrl-click or shift-click the individual days you want to select. Additionally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list. The 'last' date of any month is truly the final day of that month. Journyx has been designed to understand that not all months have the same number of days. Therefore, you may schedule a report for the 'last' day of the month and Journyx will run the report on the 28th, 30th, 31st, etc. as deemed appropriate. Additionally, Journyx has been configured to apply the same understanding to reports that are scheduled for the 31st and 30th - these reports will be run on the last day of the month if the 30th or 31st is not relevant for that month.
  • Monthly End
     Monthly End reports are reports that are scheduled to run on a specific 'soft' date relative to the end of the month such as 'the first Weekday before the end of the month' or 'the fourth Day before the end of the month'. To schedule a Monthly End report, you will need to select which type of day (Day or Weekday) you would like the report to target. You must then select the number of days before the end of the month (1-14) on which you would like the report to be run. Please note that you may select only one 'type of day' for any given report. You may, however, select any number of day counts of that day type for the report to be run. Therefore, you could schedule a report to run 10 weekdays and 5 weekdays before the end of the month with only one scheduled report. Finally, you will need to select a time for the report to run on that date using the Run Time of Day select list.