In the Accountlink for GP configuration there's a way to set who should be the "Default supervisor login for OCM". This is a bit misleading and doesn't really explain what it does. What it does is this is the login that Accountlink will set for any user who is supposed to be a self approver. OCM requires this to make a nice org chart. Usually a self-approver will be an Executive Director where they're not really 'under' anyone. Other examples are users who you want to submit time, and only sync approved time to GP.
First you will need to determine who these users are 'under'. Your ED is likely not 'under' anyone, but has to be for this to work. You can use the default administrator account if you want. This person won't get your ED's timesheets to approve, it's solely for hierarchy.
First, launch the Accountlink Configuration Wizard. You can get to it from either your Start menu, or the Config menu in Accountlink
Next, click the "Next" button until you are on the Users section. Find the "Default supervisor login for OCM" field and fill it in with your install administrator, or any administrator.